Asked by sciantistinquestion to SJ, Ash on 25 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: SarahJayne Boulton

      SarahJayne Boulton answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      Are you asking why I would use the prize money to build a science app?

      I’ve spent a little time doing science outreach with schools in England and Scotland, where I visit and take activities and do a little science teaching however it always seems a bit of a shame that when I leave, there’s nothing really in place for the teachers and students to continue their investigations once I’ve left.
      The app would provide a searchable database of experiements, science pranks, fizzes and bangs, jelly baby sacrifices and elephants toothpaste instructions as well as links to where to buy the more specialist ingredients you might need. This way, people can get involved with doing experiments and making a mess without having to go to a special place or event. It might also be useful for parents and kids that are using homeschool methods and don’t have access to a lab environment.

      Totally useful! 🙂

    • Photo: Ashley Cadby

      Ashley Cadby answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      I would like to get people talking about science more. I think one way of doing this would be to turn the images we and other research groups make into art. Giving the images to artists and saying make this look different. Then I want to take that art and give it coffee shops, bars, restaurants and museums. I am hoping people will look at the art and then read the plaque at the bottom which might say, this is a deadly bacteria the bits glowing green are where new antibiotics have started to kill it, we don’t know how they do that. Or the plaque might say these are individual silicon atoms measured using what ever techniques,with out this understanding you phone wouldn’t work. I’d like people to think about the world a bit more.
