• Question: Do you believe the education system makes youngsters dislike science? (I do. We have way too many exams... seriously, you adults need to complain a bit and stop letting rich idiots run the country who have no idea what it is like to be somebody normal eg. SOMEBODY THAT ISNT FILTHY RICH)

    Asked by 9eltu to Andrew, Ash, Gem, Paige, SJ on 25 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: SarahJayne Boulton

      SarahJayne Boulton answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      Sometimes it takes the kids to speak out to truely get some answers.

      There’s a movement called UK Youth Parliament which aims to give more of a voice to young people of issues such as welfare, education and government spending. If this is something you feel strongly about – why not get involved and make your voice heard?

      Here’s more info:


    • Photo: Gemma Staite

      Gemma Staite answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      I think there are lots of exams, but this is true of many subjects and not specific to science. There will always be aspects which individuals don’t like, regardless of the system in place. If you really like a subject, you have to work through the aspects which you don’t like. It will all be worth while at the end and probably make you better at the subject too.

      I hated plant biology at school, but it was part of my biology course. I found it really hard going at the time, but I got through it and every now and then aspects from it do crop up.

    • Photo: Paige Brown

      Paige Brown answered on 26 Jun 2012:

      Sad but true… school often miss you dislike the subjects you enjoy on your own time! I was homeschooled, and I found that I enjoyed so much of the classic reading that other people came to hate because they were forced to read them, while I read for pleasure! I think its important to explore the field of your interest, whether art, photography, engineering, or science experiments outside of the classroom, in your own time. You might find you actually enjoy the subject! Visit a science Museum or do something else sciencey outside of school!!!!

    • Photo: Ashley Cadby

      Ashley Cadby answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      I think we have a really good education system. As far as science goes we are in the top ten for general science education. We have some of the best universities in the world. The big problem we have is that the general public is not as engaged in science as they could be. I have no idea how to change that, you might if you do please tell us. This event is there to find out why people turn away from science.
