• Question: For You're Job Do You Need Top GCSE's.

    Asked by sophie15 to Andrew, Ash, Gem, Paige, SJ on 27 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: SarahJayne Boulton

      SarahJayne Boulton answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      TBH, no.

      I needed 5 GCSE’s above C level to do my A-levels, with a B or above in subjects I wanted to study directly (like a GCSE in Art to do A-level Art)

      In order to get to Newcastle Uni to do a degree in Biomedical Sciences though I had to have AAB at A-Level with biology and chemistry making up two of the grades.

      You could also get on the degree with Advanced BTEC’s, GNVQ’s, Access Courses or equivalent experience, so each case can be assessed on a one to one basis!

    • Photo: Gemma Staite

      Gemma Staite answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      The route I took was like SJ’s. I just had to get five GCSE’s above grade C to do my A-levels. I believe that the requirements for many of the university courses have altered since I did mine.

      We also have lab assistants too, who are responsible for data entry, waste management, stock control and processing samples. They don’t need qualifications, and sometimes have the opportunity to do NVQ’s or degree courses through their job.

    • Photo: Ashley Cadby

      Ashley Cadby answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      I needed 5 GCSEs. However, I was not that we’ll behaved at school, so I only got 4. So, now don’t tell anyone this, I lied to get in to college. While at college I retook the GCSE I needed. At one point I had more A levels that GCSEs.

    • Photo: Paige Brown

      Paige Brown answered on 28 Jun 2012:

      I am in the US, so the school grades are different… but I think you need to work hard and have extracurricular activities, and this can be even more important than straight grades!!!
