• Question: what is at the centre of a black hole? or on the other side?

    Asked by jcandy to Andrew, Ash, Gem, Paige, SJ on 25 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Paige Brown

      Paige Brown answered on 25 Jun 2012:

      At the center of a black hole, there’s a singularity (a point of infinite density). Read more about it here! http://t.co/xZziEGkm

    • Photo: SarahJayne Boulton

      SarahJayne Boulton answered on 26 Jun 2012:

      I only know a very limited amount about black holes, but regarding what’s on the other side of them, i thought you might be interested in this little theory:::

      Tiny Black Holes ! http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/tiny-black-holes.html

      This theory reckons that there could be small black holes marauding the cosmos moving about and causing interference in the way light moves, but only if the universe has a 4th dimension…a bit like an inner membrane in a mitochondria. 😕 I think my mind’s melting a bit.

      There is a telescope being built that could measure the tiny rippling patterns of interference a tiny black hole would cause, however we can’t measure it right now because our telescopes just aint up to scratch.

      So what’s on the other side? Another dimension maybe? The Tardis?
