• Question: what was the first word every invented?

    Asked by brooklynne to Andrew, Ash, Gem, Paige, SJ on 22 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: SarahJayne Boulton

      SarahJayne Boulton answered on 22 Jun 2012:

      I reckon it was probably just a sound, like ‘mmm’ or ‘ug’.

      More than likely it was one that could mean anything depending on how you said it, your expressions or your gestures, like how the word ‘really’ can take on so many different meanings just by saying it differently.

      What do you think it might have been?

    • Photo: Paige Brown

      Paige Brown answered on 22 Jun 2012:

      Languages are not invented, they rather evolve to become what they are today, just like we evolved from our ancient ancestors. Words evolve from our attempt to explain the objects and situations all around us, and the words we use often become our reality, shaping our view of the world. This is called ‘linguistic relativity’.

      According to Wiki answers, the first word that “evolved” into an English word is “cinnamon.” (English is a newer language compared with Greek, for example). This was a spice used several thousand years ago. The word is of Hebrew origin (it is found in the 30th chapter of Exodus).

      Also according to Wiki answers, the first word ever uttered was “Aa,” which meant “Hey!” This was said by an australopithecine in Ethiopia more than a million years ago.

      Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_was_the_first_word_ever_invented#ixzz1yXiQXCUd

      Not sure if this is all true, but it certainly sounds good!

    • Photo: Gemma Staite

      Gemma Staite answered on 23 Jun 2012:

      My answer to this would have been a total guess. English language never was my strong point.

      As Paige says, language evolves, and they never really stop evolving. I must say though, cinnamon never would have been my guess.

      I would have guessed that it was “a”, at least in modern english.
