• Question: what would a chair look like if we had knees on the back of our legs?

    Asked by elizabethlee to Andrew, Ash, Gem, Paige, SJ on 27 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Paige Brown

      Paige Brown answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      I don’t know!!!!!! Maybe a floating stool?!!!!!!!!!

    • Photo: SarahJayne Boulton

      SarahJayne Boulton answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      I reckon it would look like a stool or a backwards chair…

      If our knees were backwards would that mean our legs folded knees backward not forwards – like a duck? So our bum would rest on the top of the backs of our legs? IF that was the case, I reckon we’d approach the shair from behind and fold onto it, thighs across the top, body at the front of the chair instead of the back, and instead of leaning back into a chair, we’d lean to the front.

      …so the chair would look exactly the same, just backwards?! 😀

      What an AWESOME question!! Made my day! heh.

    • Photo: Gemma Staite

      Gemma Staite answered on 1 Jul 2012:

      This really got me thinking and trying to act it out, even though obviously my legs don’t bend that way, so just meant I looked a bit odd while doing it. I think SJ is right, it would best as a backward chair, or a stool.
